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Posts Tagged ‘#winning’

Stats Contest #13 + #15 – Win Keys!

Posted on: October 11th, 2014 by The Jib

Hey Hey, Jib here.. With some updates on the latest Newbs Contest

In September we trialed our new stats contest, awarding 5 players with honorz and their choice of prize from my backpack.

Here are the winners for September:

Top Points: Arthur Digby Sellers 
Time Played: Lindorm 
Dominations: The Infamous Mr. A 
Godlikes: Dam dude 
Deaths: [N] BlueArmadillo 


Last month we kept the stats on #15 plr_hightower. This month we are combining #13 koth_harvest with #15′s plr_hightower stats for the contest (trial basis).

We’re also upping the prize to a KEY (or equal value) for each winner. (You can only win one category)

How to win this month?

Most Kills
Most Kills with Caber (the holy grail)
Time Played
Most Revenges

Stats run from 10/1/14 to 10/31/14. The month is still young, so get out there and kill some mofoz!

Server #13:

Server #15: