Upcoming Event Announcements — and other news
Posted on: October 23rd, 2013 by ObeyHere’s what’s going on:
- {N} Nuunsa, roleplaying as The Administrator, is starting a big honking fight–and you’re invited
- {N} Wolf wants your Halloween-themed submissions
- Borderlands 2 has new Halloween-themed DLC
- [N] Obey got his sh*t together and finally wrote up the TF2 patch update from October 10th
1. What’s this about a fight?
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Dustbowl. Good thing, because admin Nuunsa has challenged all of the [N] regulars to duke it out with the {N} and |N| admins! Post here to sign-up; it’ll be on Saturday, November 9th, starting at 8pm EST.
Nuunsa and fellow admin Wolf will be doing the commentary. I figure it’ll be not unlike Statler and Waldorf witnessing a streetfight.
2. TF2Newbs’ 6th Annual “All Hallows Eve” Contest
Admin Wolf wants you to submit something to him in order to win prizes. Quality of prizes is based on the number of submissions; there’s always the possibility that an unusual could be taken from the glorious, secret vault of hats in Octo’s underwater sunken pirate ship complex. Soooo…. submit a drawing! A pumpkin carving! A song! Your costume! An interpretative dance! A new mixed drink recipe you’ve invented for the occasion! Just submit already, so my vastly superior, pink, origami Sexual Tyrannosaurus can win a prize.
Prizes awarded each Monday through November 11th. So keep submitting, Newbs. Instructions are here.
3. New Borderlands DLC and then some
First of all, the first of what surely will be many Halloween-themed DLC has been released–and it’s only $2.99! Named “Headhunter 1: Bloody Harvest”, T. K. Baha emerges from the dead and your Borderlands 1 memories to grant you more areas to plunder and quests to accomplish.
That’s not all! If you have a SHiFT account, you can jump into Gearbox Studios’ “$100,000 Loot Hunt”, where you go kill the assigned baddie for the day, or certain targets drop a special item for a limited time (called “bounties”).
That’s still not all! Every day, some weapon or class/make of weapons gets a permanent change or improvement–such as today, where all Hyperion pistols now have increased magazine size and accuracy recovery! Expect this to continue for the next few weeks.
And that’s still not all! More DLC are on their way, and you know that level cap is going to increase again sooner or later.
Okay, that might be all for now. Maybe….
4. There was this TF2 Patch Update….
Actually two. Here are the combined patch notes from the 10/2/13 and 10/10/13 patches for TF2:
- Added the Fall 2013 Acorns Crate #72 (no expiration date).
- Requires a Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key ($2.49 in the Mann Co. Store, also no expiration date).
- All of the following items are newly-added, Gold Star cosmetics:
Crate Series #72 Drops Yes Items Viking Braider
7 .60% Flapjack
7 .60% Gold Digger
7 .60% Pop-Eyes
7 .60% Weight Room Warmer
7 .60% Special Eyes
7 .60% Chronomancer
7 .60% Pirate Bandana
7 .60% Brim-Full of Bullets
7 .60% Li’l Snaggletooth
7 .60% Escapist
7 .60% L’homme Burglerre
7 .60% Ward
7 .60% or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item! 1 .00%
- Added the Fall 2013 Gourd Crate #73 (no expiration date).
- Requires a Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key ($2.49 in the Mann Co. Store, also no expiration date).
- All of the following items are newly-added, Gold Star cosmetics:
Crate Series #73 Drops Yes Items Beep Boy
8 .25% Cuban Bristle Crisis
8 .25% A Brush With Death
8 .25% Trickster’s Turnout Gear
8 .25% Hong Kong Cone
8 .25% Hurt Locher
8 .25% Bone Dome
8 .25% Air Raider
8 .25% Medical Mystery
8 .25% Cotton Head
8 .25% Slick Cut
8 .25% Frenchman’s Formals
8 .25% or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item! 1 .00%
- Updated cp_granary:
- Added nobuild areas and clipping of environmental features to prevent exploits above forward spawns
- Adjusted player shadows to reduce shadows clipping through walls
- Skybox rendering fixes
- Revealed Mysterious Promo 10 as the Team Fortress Chess Promo: a genuine-quality Grandmaster
- Added the Grandmaster: a team-colored all-class hat of a chessboard with rotating RED/BLU hologram
- This hat is currently only available via this promotion. However, I believe the promo is not yet obtainable.
- Strange Part: Taunt Kills can now be added to strange Knives and Fists
- Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jumping and Strange Part: Posthumous Kills can be added to the Loose Cannon
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed inconsistent behavior when switching between loadouts or modifying them
- Unfortunately, a new bug has appeared that requires some players to change classes for loadouts to take effect, or requiring players to reassign some items to their loadouts since the patch
- Fixed a bug where modifying an item (i.e. painting or renaming it) would cause it to drop from a loadout
- Fixed the Demoman charge sound being clipped by the weapon crit sound
- Updated the Hardy Laurel to properly show on the heads of Engineers and Soldiers
- Updated the Summer Shades and Professor Speks so that they don’t float in the air during Sniper taunts
- Fixed Nessie’s Nine Iron’s missing gameplay description (its shared abilities with the Highlander)
- Fixed Blue spies showing blue health particles when disguised as the Red team
- Should have been fixed previously, and still unsure if 100% now.
- Fixed a bug causing some players to be unable to change their active item preset
- Fixed inconsistent behavior when switching between loadouts or modifying them
And that’s not all… you know that Valve always releases some new Halloween-themed level, with comics and other craziness. Remember the temporary-use Spells from last year? Remember being forced to dance in front of your enemies? Remember having to get everyone to STOP KILLING EACH OTHER AND FOCUS THE WIZARD?!?!? Well, let’s see what kind of evil they can conjure to top that….
Yes. That is all.
[N] Obey | One Tired Puppy
P.S. Dear St. Louis Cardinals, please attempt to catch the ball when it is hit into the air. Having it plop in front of you without trying to catch it, even after calling for a fair catch, has me shouting at the television for spychecker. And the others at the bar don’t know what I’m talking about. Well, I am not the spy! We cannot let that dastardly fish win again. Love, Obey | Not A Spy