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Posts Tagged ‘Video games’

ME3 multiplayer classes: The Krogan Soldier, Notch’s new plans, Depth, cupcakes and more!

Posted on: March 29th, 2012 by mrbuttons

As per a viewers request I went with the Krogan Soldier. At first I didn’t like it but after some practice I found this class to be pretty damn badass, especially once you get the heavy melee timing right since the Krogans are the only one’s who charge while doing so. The trick I find to a successful Krogan class is to focus on the melee and health/shields upgrades in order to cause maximum damage while in close quarters combat. Though be wary about the stronger units as most of them have one-hit kill animations if you dare face them from the front and while they’re ready.

I also briefly talk about other games that I’ve been reading about. Shared the links below for those who’re interested. Also here’s some new info on the next special N7 multiplayer mission:

The Reaper horde is growing, so we must as well. Effective military strength needs to increase, and veterans must train conscripts so that they, in turn, can train others.

Allied Goal: Promote 150,000 characters. Victory Packs awarded to all players upon successful completion.
Individual Goal: Promote 2 characters. Commendation Pack awarded to individual players upon successful completion.

Commendation Packs will be awarded to individual soldiers who complete their training, and a Victory Pack will be awarded to everyone if the Allied Goal is achieved. Packs will be available to download the following week. Please note that participants need to set “Upload Gameplay Feedback” to “on” in the online options to be able to participate in Operation RAPTOR.

*Some restrictions may still apply, Operation Raptor is not open in all regions. PlayStation 3 eligibility will be determined as soon as possible.


ME3 multiplayer classes: The Asari Adept w/ tips, ME3 ending bs and Flight Control Rocket

Posted on: March 23rd, 2012 by mrbuttons

So after a good delay of sitting on my, ass and slowly finishing the single player, I got around to making my Adept video which I had to redo due to technical blah blah who gives a frag. ;)

It’s not as exciting of a class compared to the Vanguard but if you like crown control thanks to Statis and Pull, and giving headshots like candy on Halloween, then this can be a class for you.

I also very briefly talk about some related topics like the single player ending, how promoting a multiplayer character can help your single player game and a new iOS game that’s taking micro-transactions to a different level. The links to those are below. Hope you find the vids useful or at least informative!


Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Classes: The Human Vanguard with a fun glitch ending!

Posted on: March 12th, 2012 by mrbuttons

Hola Newbs and internets! Today I’m bringing you a part of my Mass Effect 3 multiplayer classes series that I’ve made so far. For those who have only played the single-player, you’re missing out, as you get to revisit some of your favorite locals but this time you get to duke it out with 3 of your friends or strangers in wave after wave of Cerberus troops, Geth soldiers or the Reapers. If you haven’t played either then now’s a good time to take a look at what else this epic trilogy has to offer for you in terms of entertainment.

So I’m trying to show off the Vanguard class with the Eviscerator shotgun which is a great combo for a close quarters combat class, and everything goes well until I must’ve mashed the buttons too much and the game decided I needed to glitch and float/skip around the map. I still could get hit but I could barely do anything let alone hit them. Ugh. But it was still fun. Hope you like it!


Can video games be considered Art?

Posted on: December 9th, 2011 by mrbuttons

Video games and art, do they go together? Count the number of times you stopped playing the game just to admire a landscape, the detail of your avatar and the music that is more than just background noise. A lot of art and game critics say that video games cannot be art. I believe they can. So, let’s start with a definition:

1. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture,…: “the art of the Renaissance”
2. Works produced by such skill and imagination.
– Google, “What is art?”

By this definition alone video games are art. One could argue that a work needs to be appreciated aesthetically in order to be considered art, so I say open your eyes to the environments some games are built upon. The concept artists, graphic designers and writers all share a desire to have their work stand out and be appreciated by the player.

Roger Ebert, a well-known movie critic, once said video games can never be art. He followed that statement on his blog by claiming “No one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers.” I disagree with this statement. Why does it need to be compared to such a high bar before it can be considered art? Art itself is subjective, as everyone has their own opinion on what it is. Generally speaking, art is what any person creates with the intention or desire to make something artistic and aesthetically pleasing to them.

Remember kids. The Mario Bros say "Eat your veggies!"

After receiving some backlash for his previous statements, Mr. Ebert admitted that video games can be considered art – when played. For the most part I could agree since most gamers are the sole appreciators of the developers’ work and won’t go out of their way to see what else is beyond the game. Yet how does one lure a gamer into purchasing a specific game? Often, it is through video game previews such as concept art, game related videos, trailers and sound. All of which can inspire the audience. One such example is the widely popular Dead Island trailer. Other gamers can go through the classic methods such as going to the Smithsonian American Art Museum, which will be hosting The Art of Video Games in 2012 and the well-known Video Games Live by video game veteran Tommy Tallerico, who organizes tours of video game concerts.

Come at me bro!

Many of us who identify as gamers have seen and can agree that there are some developers whose goal is for their game to be art. They do it to create a sense of deep emotion, to astound your eyes with imaginative scenes and graphics, to provoke your thoughts and intellect, to bring joy to your ears with original pleasing music, to open your mind to certain subjects and to gasp when the chain of events end and bring the story to fruition. They prove themselves more and more by coming far from the simple bits and circles to the near realistic imagery and scenarios that we have today. Then again, art is subjective, every person has their individual tastes and we can’t convince everyone. Sorry, Ebert.