Respect OCto. Scrimmy last night. Hotness. screenerz
Posted on: August 11th, 2008 by Newbs StaffWHOA. lotta stuff to cover here.. so i’ll get right to it
FIRST OFF. scrimmy last night. lotta fun. I unfortunately forgot to take a screenshot of our first round which was 8v8 on granary. Had a blast with this one. 8v8 all regs.. that’s what its all about people. Wasn’t just clan guys either we even had bob dole in there : P. Ended up 1-1.. heated battles. Then we went to well. Much fun to be had there as well
Teams were fair, someone left and i thought. Shiz.. why didnt i take a screeny of the teams.
Then we went on to play badlands i believe? correct me if i’m wrong. We didnt stay there nearly as long as the others. We were on about hr 3 of our scrim and people started having to go so what do you do with uneven teams?
Respekt OcTo. Btw octo apparently added a badass feature to the upload area that posts a link for you to easily copy and paste to the files you upload.. noiice.
this leads into.
HA screenshots last. i’m crazy like that.
the crab spy is a rare species.. strong enough to lift medics.
How this medic is ubered with a bone saw out.. Fate.
upload that stuff. i’m not messin.