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Posts Tagged ‘TheJib…’

JiB’s CONTEST OF.. NoiicE – Pumpkin Carving for L4D Contest

Posted on: October 18th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

Edit: If you are interested in promoting this contest, please link to and check out which will have up to the minute information on whats going on….

Its not very often that you can kill two birds with one stone, and be eligible to get the chance to also kill a bunch of zombies too.  If you’ve been waiting for this kind of opportunity, today is the day for you.

The premise is simple, the results will be amazing, and there will be much rejoicing.
Lets cover this in a what you do, what you get format.

Stuff you do:

1) Acquire Pumpkin, Gourd, or Suitable Squash.
2) Come up with a really cool TF2 related design
3) Carve, Cut, Etch, Scratch, Skin, and maybe even paint this design on your vegetable
4) Take picture of your masterpiece.
5) Send picture to Jib or Octo.  Upload to forums, upload to the newbs_upload section, etc.
6) Sit back and wait

What you get:

1) Fame
2) Glory
3) Sense of accomplishment
4) Badass Pumpkin (or gourd/squash)
5) Chance at winning Left 4 Dead.

As you can see, this is a complete no brainer.  Many will enter, many will be marvelled at, kudos and happy warm fuzzy thoughts will rain down upon all that enter.
Unlike our usual contests, you do not need to be present to win.  Enter as many times as you’d like.

The grand prize winner will win Left 4 Dead – Courtesy of TheJib.  There will be additional prizes given out.  The categories have not been finalized but even if yours sucks, its worth sending in.  =)  

We will be running this contest (accepting submissions) until at least Nov 2nd.
If there is enough interest, then prizes will likely be added.  Lets make this our biggest contest yet.



You need not be an active player on the TF2 Newbs Server, just be sure to send in your submission with enough information so I can track you down.  Prizes will be awarded as ‘Gifts’ on Steam.

Entries can be submitted the following ways:

Posted to Forum (Requires registration, registration limited to Players from #4/#5):,1102.0.html

Email: [email protected]

Website Upload (like photobucket) –  (please name the file in a way that we can contact you back, putting your steam community id would be great (its a number that starts 765…..)


Posted on: September 7th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

What it is?! its time for some well deserved bloggage.

-We’re currently looking for more people to start the servers in the early AM. Doing so not only makes you a badass.. It could earn you a reserved slot. : )

-Octos working on a ton of new stuff for the site. Any user generated content would be much appreciated. If you don’t have some.. nows a good time to make some right?

-And last but not least, just wanted to let you guys know lions are going to the playoffs this year and I might even say the divisional championships. NFL opening day w00t.

ah.. i feel better


Nothing a few stickies can’t fix (smettbo)

wait a minute.. where’s gggly at again? (grey dev)

HALLO (steven)




Ahh yes.. Feels like we’ve visited this topic before but this ones a little different. We did Honorz Octo and Golden Marmoset for their ability to be a teamplayer.. Sacrificing and such. This Honorz vote is in honor of the players who Organize, Verbalize, and Materialize.. offensive strategies (it rhymed.. okay?) So yea. the guy yelling SPY BEHIND YOU SPY BEHIN… damn. he’s team’n it up alright? This guy (or girl.. ) Is known for keeping things in order, letting teh team know they are sucking the big one because they are composed of 5 spies and 4 snipers. This guy may be on the mic, sayin ‘hey. it’s about time we stopped turtling.. and smashed these pansies’…
Well.. they don’t HAVE to say that.. that actually sounds like something I’d say so.. you get the drift. And by the new style of honorz votes (since we have so many badass people to consider) we went off the nomination system. So all of these people were nominated by someone else (or themselves??)

OctoDhd - 10 (10.9%)
Kain Phalanx - 11 (12%)
Scott Eats Bullets - 7 (7.6%)
Koansrus - 6 (6.5%)
DOA b0n3s - 4 (4.3%)
Grey Devil - 4 (4.3%)
Dingo - 10 (10.9%)
Chodesweat - 1 (1.1%)
Zapfacid - 5 (5.4%)
Hal Jordan - 9 (9.8%)
Mr Hanky - 3 (3.3%)
Dondi - 3 (3.3%)
Major Dewar - 1 (1.1%)
Aristotle - 5 (5.4%)
Orsa - 0 (0%)
Jackapples - 1 (1.1%)
Bulldog - 4 (4.3%)
YOU’RE ALL SPIES - 4 (4.3%)
CroutonMagilicutty - 1 (1.1%)
TracerHawk - 2 (2.2%)
(D.O.A.) Sodapopinski - 1 (1.1%)
LeeTagger - 0 (0%)
iMouse - 0 (0%)

Congrats to Kain Phalanx, Octo, and Dingo for recieving the honorz of Teamwork!11


Whats h0t

  • :) movement
  • Upcoming Contest
  • Not a rickroll
  • Why is EVERYONE pyro..
  • ————————————————————————————————–





    TF2 Blog. Screenskies. Word on the street.

    Posted on: August 31st, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    whoaaa. Took a couple days off of blogging out of respect for NFreak’s Crab Spy Calendar. Thought it would be noble to keep it at the top of the blog list for a few days, and if you havn’t checked it out.. do so.

    Now on with your regularly scheduled bloggage.



    TF2 Party !

    haha the soldiers face is classic

    The start of the tower… party hats required

    Courtyard towerage

    Boxer Koans

    And now comes the time in which we break dance..


    The Word On Teh Street

  • viewer discression is advised.
  • pickin up chicks
  • How to crabby
  • ————————————————————————————————–


    and i leave you with none other than.. the random.. picture of the day



    Posted on: August 14th, 2008 by Newbs Staff


    I get a lot of these gib screenies.. But there’s just so damn many good ones.. : D The sign in the background is epic.

    Look at the image for 10 seconds.. then scroll to the bottom of this post for a badass trivia question

    sigh. gabe flying with a machette out. it’s just hard not to post something this epic.

    3 death images ftw. tf2 rules


    if you know what this is from. you’re a badass.


    feelin. HOT

  • Octo learns a valuable lesson about life, and the pursuit of happiness
  • Game. Over.
  • Team fortress classic 2fort?
  • ————————————————————————————————–

    if you read this far and missed the beginning, thats not all bad. In the first screenshot.. super gibbage.
    What two class related objects are in that image?

    well folks thats the skinny..


    screendiddlez. teh h0tness. Hon0rz. RPOTD

    Posted on: August 12th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    So let’s switch it up a bit. screenshots first.. uhm.. hotness second and honorz last. yeap.

    gibs. ftw.

    sizzlin and looking good doing it.

    what the hell is hot? i’ll tell ya.

  • Schools back.. Damn
  • HAH New Scout bat.. watch the vid.
  • ————————————————————————————-

    and now for our newest addition to the newbs blog..


    honorz. whats it all about? mad skills. that’s what.

    Jaxass 10 (27.8%)
    Bob Dole’s Woodlen Critters 15 (41.7%)
    [BS] Afro D 4 (11.1%)
    -Rush- 0 (0%)
    [HN]Carribian [nes] 7 (19.4%)
    Total Voters: 36

    Congrats Bob Dole on honorz of Best Spy. If you see bobby, or any of the other nominees give them some credit for being what is known as – badass.