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Posts Tagged ‘News’

chh chh CHANGES. Screenshot of the day.

Posted on: June 18th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

omgz. Well.. I have been, -cough- inactive for a couple days. And for that I APOLOGIZE. Working 3 jobs right now, soo.. Doing the best I can : ) Things are calming down a bit, so keep an eye out as we’re making big changes. Now for the recent news/changes.

-Best medic award goes to Dingo! Congrats
-New vote up: MiC SPAM!
-Implementation of Karma on forums!

Now for a short story about Karma, and how I came to the decision to implement it. I’ve browsed these forums, lurked as you might say during my workdays.. and have noticed that some people out there are doing some quality posting and they should get some credit. /end

Screenshot of the DAy! Awesome screenshot here from amvalvo, apparently he ubered himself at the end of goldrush and fell into the hole and stayed alive.

Keep them coming!
