ME3 multiplayer classes: The Krogan Soldier, Notch’s new plans, Depth, cupcakes and more!
Posted on: March 29th, 2012 by mrbuttonsAs per a viewers request I went with the Krogan Soldier. At first I didn’t like it but after some practice I found this class to be pretty damn badass, especially once you get the heavy melee timing right since the Krogans are the only one’s who charge while doing so. The trick I find to a successful Krogan class is to focus on the melee and health/shields upgrades in order to cause maximum damage while in close quarters combat. Though be wary about the stronger units as most of them have one-hit kill animations if you dare face them from the front and while they’re ready.
I also briefly talk about other games that I’ve been reading about. Shared the links below for those who’re interested. Also here’s some new info on the next special N7 multiplayer mission:
The Reaper horde is growing, so we must as well. Effective military strength needs to increase, and veterans must train conscripts so that they, in turn, can train others.
Allied Goal: Promote 150,000 characters. Victory Packs awarded to all players upon successful completion.
Individual Goal: Promote 2 characters. Commendation Pack awarded to individual players upon successful completion.
Commendation Packs will be awarded to individual soldiers who complete their training, and a Victory Pack will be awarded to everyone if the Allied Goal is achieved. Packs will be available to download the following week. Please note that participants need to set “Upload Gameplay Feedback” to “on” in the online options to be able to participate in Operation RAPTOR.
*Some restrictions may still apply, Operation Raptor is not open in all regions. PlayStation 3 eligibility will be determined as soon as possible.