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Posts Tagged ‘carving’

2 TF2 Halloween Contests from Newbs for 2010

Posted on: October 31st, 2010 by octo dhd

Yup, we’re at it again.  We’re having the annual pumpkin carving contest, with 3 prizes (listed at bottom of post).   The contest is simple, carve a pumpkin with a TF2 theme, take a picture, send it in and wait to win excellent prizes and the respect of your peers.  So pick up a pumpkin on the cheap today or tomorrow, carve/paint/etch it to your hearts content, and submit it.  You’re a winner, now prove it.

In addition to the pumpkin carving contest we are also offering a new contest for people better at the written word.   Write a piece of fanfic involving the TF2 universe, send it in ([email protected]) and cross your fingers.  We havn’t advertised this contest very well, so theres probably a good chance that there won’t be a lot of competition, which is good for you, since it’ll be easier to win.. :)

The prizes for both contests are the same:

1st – $25 worth of games from steam

2nd – $15 worth of games from steam

3rd – $10 worth of games from steam

All entries are due by midnight pacific November 2nd.  Judging will happen on the 3rd.  Please be sure to at least include your email address in the filename, feel free to make it a text file zipped with the pictures.  If you have any additional questions about submitting please contact octo (octodhd’s steam community page)

(2nd Annual) Badass TF2 Pumpkin Contest Winners – And an announcement about NewbsMas

Posted on: November 5th, 2009 by octo dhd

As promised I’m posting the results of the 2nd Annual TF2 Newbs Pumpkin Carving Contest – This year we had 7 entries which is down from last year, but the entries were VERY good. I spent a long time evaluating the Pumpkins trying to decide who should win. I decided that in order to reward those who put the time and the dedication into making a pumpkin and submitting them that I would expand the prizes! So instead of one copy of l4d2 I gave away 3 copies! I had Jib send one to each of the three ‘winning’ pumpkins. The final odds of winning a grand prize in this contest ended up being a 3/7 which means that 42% of the entries won a copy of l4d2! You just can’t beat TF2Newbs odds.

A big thank you goes out to Control Point for featuring our little contest on their podcast, I think its really kicked things up a notch – Thanks again!

All people who participated won 1 years worth of reserve on the Newbs servers, a forum honorz (will be added tomorrow hopefully), and 1 year of !hatme access (enables you to wear any classes hat). If you participated and want the Newbs server rewards contact me on steam, most of the participants I couldn’t find in the stats db under their entry name so I don’t know their steamid :) I can be reached @

I would like to take this chance to announce the next Newbs Contest… (drum roll) The next contest is the – Newbs Team Fortess 2 Christmas and other Winter Celebrations Contest. All entries will be TF2 and winter solstice themed. Entries can be winter decorations, confections, other food stuffs, songs, snow sculptures, or any other creative work. I will be announcing further details very shortly. If you want to keep track of the latest Christmas contest news please join I’m not certain on the prizes yet (looking for some sponsors) but I promise that it will be worth your time :)

Back to the Pumpkins…..

The participants (in alphabetical order) -


  • Gearpunk
  • kitty_tiky
  • LlamaMaster

Runner ups:

  • binjin
  • nfreak
  • nil.kemorya
  • odinspeed

These were the winning Pumpkins, I’ll be posting all entries in our hall of fame soon (which means by Christmas).







Tf2 Pumpkin Carving and L4D2 Boycotters – A Review of last week

Posted on: October 17th, 2009 by octo dhd

Hello and welcome, its time for a update on the posts from ~10 days ago, which I’ll pretend was only a week ago.

First off the TF2Newbs 2009 TF2 Pumpkin Carving Contest is underway, I havn’t checked if we have any submissions so far, but I’m pretty confident that we’ll have a better turn out than last year (See last years TF2 pumpkin entries). We have decided via poll to allow craft pumpkins, which is good news for those of you who hate pumpkin guts, or wish to save their pumpkin to display next year. For the rest of the Rules for 2009 TF2 Pumpkin Contest check out the link just before these words. The tl;dr basic idea is that you (using a tf2 theme) cut a pumpkin or other pumpkin like thing, take a picture, enter into contest, and get a chance to win L4D2.

As far as L4D2 boycotters go it looks like the boycott movement is sliding even more. Previously when we reported on this, the numbers were at a 2% hypocrite level. This has swelled to 3.8%! As always, be sure to check out the official L4D2 Boycott Lulz Webpage that psychonic has blessed the world with. I’d also like to remind everyone to mark down tomorrow (Oct 18th) on your calendar as Master Server Day. There will be much rejoicing and booze.

Get Your Team Fortress 2 Themed Pumpkins Entered in the Contest

Posted on: October 27th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

This is a short post, just reminding everyone to get your pumpkin carved and submitted for the contest for a chance to win Left4Dead! Woo!   So far there have been 4 submissions in the competition, but I’ve been assured that there are more coming.  Remember that the contests closes Nov 2nd, so you MUST have your pumpkins sent in by then.    This contest is open to everyone, even if you have never played on the newbs servers.   Good luck everyone.

For additional details see:


JiB’s CONTEST OF.. NoiicE – Pumpkin Carving for L4D Contest

Posted on: October 18th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

Edit: If you are interested in promoting this contest, please link to and check out which will have up to the minute information on whats going on….

Its not very often that you can kill two birds with one stone, and be eligible to get the chance to also kill a bunch of zombies too.  If you’ve been waiting for this kind of opportunity, today is the day for you.

The premise is simple, the results will be amazing, and there will be much rejoicing.
Lets cover this in a what you do, what you get format.

Stuff you do:

1) Acquire Pumpkin, Gourd, or Suitable Squash.
2) Come up with a really cool TF2 related design
3) Carve, Cut, Etch, Scratch, Skin, and maybe even paint this design on your vegetable
4) Take picture of your masterpiece.
5) Send picture to Jib or Octo.  Upload to forums, upload to the newbs_upload section, etc.
6) Sit back and wait

What you get:

1) Fame
2) Glory
3) Sense of accomplishment
4) Badass Pumpkin (or gourd/squash)
5) Chance at winning Left 4 Dead.

As you can see, this is a complete no brainer.  Many will enter, many will be marvelled at, kudos and happy warm fuzzy thoughts will rain down upon all that enter.
Unlike our usual contests, you do not need to be present to win.  Enter as many times as you’d like.

The grand prize winner will win Left 4 Dead – Courtesy of TheJib.  There will be additional prizes given out.  The categories have not been finalized but even if yours sucks, its worth sending in.  =)  

We will be running this contest (accepting submissions) until at least Nov 2nd.
If there is enough interest, then prizes will likely be added.  Lets make this our biggest contest yet.



You need not be an active player on the TF2 Newbs Server, just be sure to send in your submission with enough information so I can track you down.  Prizes will be awarded as ‘Gifts’ on Steam.

Entries can be submitted the following ways:

Posted to Forum (Requires registration, registration limited to Players from #4/#5):,1102.0.html

Email: [email protected]

Website Upload (like photobucket) –  (please name the file in a way that we can contact you back, putting your steam community id would be great (its a number that starts 765…..)