2 TF2 Halloween Contests from Newbs for 2010
Posted on: October 31st, 2010 by octo dhdYup, we’re at it again. We’re having the annual pumpkin carving contest, with 3 prizes (listed at bottom of post). The contest is simple, carve a pumpkin with a TF2 theme, take a picture, send it in http://www.tf2newbs.com/contests/2010-Team-Fortress-2-Pumpkin-Carving/Pumpkin_uploads/ and wait to win excellent prizes and the respect of your peers. So pick up a pumpkin on the cheap today or tomorrow, carve/paint/etch it to your hearts content, and submit it. You’re a winner, now prove it.
In addition to the pumpkin carving contest we are also offering a new contest for people better at the written word. Write a piece of fanfic involving the TF2 universe, send it in ([email protected]) and cross your fingers. We havn’t advertised this contest very well, so theres probably a good chance that there won’t be a lot of competition, which is good for you, since it’ll be easier to win.. :)
The prizes for both contests are the same:
1st – $25 worth of games from steam
2nd – $15 worth of games from steam
3rd – $10 worth of games from steam
All entries are due by midnight pacific November 2nd. Judging will happen on the 3rd. Please be sure to at least include your email address in the filename, feel free to make it a text file zipped with the pictures. If you have any additional questions about submitting please contact octo (octodhd’s steam community page)