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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Newbs Halloween 2011!

Posted on: October 27th, 2011 by The Jib

It’s that time… That time of the year where your house generally gets TP’d and I laugh about it.. HAHA. But no really, Newbs is very excited to give away some of our hard earned items for very little in return – your participation. It has always paid to participate in contests such as these, where Octo’s generosity reaches it’s all time highs.

Grey Devil has stepped up this year to host the event, so I will let him do the explaining.



It’s that time of the year again, finally! And don’t think we don’t have anything planned to celebrate Halloween. More details are to come, but the main contest will be open to skills and abilities of all sorts. We’re looking for halloween + TF2 related creations of all kinds.

So what does the contest really entail?

Crafts: Pumpkin carvings (real or fake pumpkins), Trick-or-treat bags/containers, costumes, and any other creations you’re comfortable making. Obviously we’re looking for items that are halloween and TF2 themed in some way, and preference will be given to contestants that make actual crafted things but if you wish to create something digitally it will be considered as well.

Prizes: Unusual TF2 Logo Mongolian, and any hat from Dondi’s BP (except his Hustler’s Hallmark). Members of [N] can donate prizes to the pool if they’re interested. Please contact an admin if you wish to do so.

Submissions must be sent in before November 7th, when judging will take place. Multiple submissions are encouraged, but only one will be picked.

Confirmed Prizes:

  • TF2 Logo Mongolian Courtesy of Nmork / hotlesbianassasin
  • Any Hat Excluding Hustler’s Hallmark from Dondi / (rayy)’s BP
  • A High Five Taunt Courtesy of Quantico
  • Octo’s god hand of Reserves


Forum Thread (Enter Here)

Any questions feel free to contact Grey Devil or Myself









We Hit Our Goal! Admins Vs. Regs Results

Posted on: August 20th, 2011 by The Jib

We Hit Our Fundraising Goal!

It feels amazing. The monkey is off our backs. I know Octo was sweating a little bit, with two expensive machines sitting in his living room, not sure if we’d raise the money to actually ship them out and pay for our service to begin (you buy a year at a time). I have said this in like 4 places, but I really want to thank everyone who donated. Whether it was $5 or $500 it really means a lot to this community. Without your help Newbs wouldn’t be possible on this scale, and we only plan on growing. Our goal was $5000, and any money from here on out goes towards keeping these new machines up and running.

TONIGHT is the Newbs Fundraiser Party! Server #2 our trade server will now be switching over to the custom Trade_Casino_Newbs which was heavily tweaked by U[n]clesam (big shout out for all his work). ANY and all donators are welcome. We can only have 32 people in a server, but if more than 32 people show up we’ll put up a mirror server and pass along the chat. Join steam chat tonight to follow all the action, I’ll be giving away some hats and whatnots for those who weren’t able to donate but want to party down with us in chat tonight ( steam://friends/joinchat/103582791429672342 ) Doors for the server will OPEN at 7PST / 10PM EST and it will be first come first serve for those who have donated.  BTW Octo will be checking ID’s at the door, so donators only!

Big Text for those who didn’t read all of that:

Server #2 / 8-20-11 / 7PM PST / 10PM EST – Be there

Admins Vs. Regs Results!

An epic battle took place last night. A well fought battle on both sides, but only one could stand victorious in the octagon.

Started out with a best of 3 on cp_well. This one was a back and forth battle.. I had so much fun playing this map that I’m really pulling for putting in a CP rotation server on the east coast.

that didn't go so well

The first round was very back and forth, but the second round the admins really got into a rhythm. Admins win 2-0.

Next map was pl_badwater, a favorite of mine because it’s always pretty chaotic, which bodes well for teh spy. Unfortunately for the regs the admins absolutely steamrolled through this map. Admin’s finished the map in around 4 minutes, and the regs were unable to capture the first point by the 4 minute mark.

The admins won 1-0 on Badwater. The question was then posed.. First cap on 2Fort takes it all? BAM. It was on. Let me tell you, 2Fort 13-13 with people who have all spent a good deal of time playing the map.. Not so easy. The only thing that allowed this game to not go into the 4 hour mark was the class limit on engy at 1 per team.

Blueberryy for the win!

At the 22 minute mark, the admins managed to sneak one out onto bridge, where blueberryy then snagged it and ran it home. The admins finish out the series at 3-0. Better luck next time regs ; )

Good times. It always takes a bit of planning to get these things going, but once we actually get playing it’s definitely worth it. If anyone wants to step up and organize a match like this once a month or so, I’m all for it.


We’re Almost There – Newbs Fundraiser!

Posted on: August 12th, 2011 by The Jib

Wow, what an awesome turn out we’ve had so far! We completed Stage 1, and are well on our way to completing Stage 2. This really means a lot to us here at Newbs, I know Octo has been very pleased with the turn out. It’s amazing to see something that started so small, grow into what it is today. As I’m writing this we’re at $4125/$5000 (82.5%) which is phenomenal.

I wanted to give you guys an update on our plans for reaching our goal. We’ll be giving away the Burning Panama and Sunbeams Rack of course, as well as a ton of Steam games. We’ll draw names, and they get first pick from the lists. We’ll then have X amount given away afterwards during out Newbs Donator Party.. Which I’ll talk about in a moment.

Serious Business


Not for the faint of heart.

Tentative List of Games:

Octo’s List: 5 Winners

Worms reloaded (preorder) (includes Lumb Lid) $20
Super Meat Boy $15
indie fright pack – x2
plants vs zombies $10 -  (With promos)
aaaaaaaaaaaa $15
audiosurf $10
counterstrike source $20
day of defeat source $10
defense grid  $10
dino d-day $10
half-life 2 $10
hal-life2 dm $5
ep1 x2 $8
killing floor $20
l4d $20
l4d2 2 $20
metro 2033 $20
portal 1 $10


Jib’s List: 2 Winners

Renegade Ops – 2 Copies $15


UncleSam’s List:

Condition Zero,
Counter Strike,
Day of Defeat,
Deathmatch Classic,
HL1, HL1:S, HL2, HL2DM, EP1, EP2,
Blue Shift,
Opposing Force,
Team Fortress Classic

Newbs Fundraiser Party!

Info from forums:

When: Tentatively 8/20/11 Saturday, in the evening – 6ish PST

Who: All donators will be invited (I think we’re around 50 donators), I’m assuming not everyone can make it, but donators have first priority for this event. After that, we’ll probably invite whoever is in steamchat at the time. (32 person server)

Where: Our BRAND new Trade map, Trade_Casino_Newbs (Any ideas on a better name? : P) UncleSam has brought our community great honor by taking an awesome map and adding some Newb touches to it. During our screening of one of the earlier versions, someone suggested we add a Disco to the map, which.. Let me tell you is coming along very nicely.

Whhat?: So basically we’ll start the evening off by announcing the winners of the steam games (list pending) as well as the unusual winners.. Hopefully they’ll be in attendance : )

THEN.. We’ll be giving away an array of hats and games for side contests like boxing or spycrabbing.

I’m planning on it being a couple hour thing, where we can all just get together as Newbs, and goof off.. Giveaway some great prizes, and break in our new trade map!

We haven’t met our goal YET, so next Saturday isn’t set in stone. I know Octo was hoping to reach $5000 by monday so he can start to get all the parts together, as well as have it up and running before our other GSP shuts down. If you’re interested in attending this event and haven’t donated yet, now is the time! We’ll be giving away several quality steam games, as well as a ton of hats!

We’re soo close to meeting our goal. If you have any friends that frequent the server and would like to purchase a reserve and have the money go towards a good cause let them know! They’ll get a shot at winning the unusuals, and can attend our wild after party : )


Newb’s Uber Blog

Posted on: July 1st, 2011 by The Jib


What a crazy month June was eh? With all the new weapons and hats.. I’ve been pretty busy to say the least. Hope your crafting went well, and you’re really enjoying the fact that you can demo charge and turn at the same time and not get banned for it (thanks valve!)


YEAh we’re famous for these.

June Newbs Stimulus Drawing!

For those of you who just joined Newbs, I think this would be a good time to educate you on what goes on with the Newbs Stimulus. Long story short we giveaway free hats every month. Every post you make is worth 1 entry, and super awesome posts or contributions I really enjoy get a “I like the Cut of your Jib” which is +50 entries. That’s how we roll.

1st Place - shaggz – Your choice of a Spine Chilling Skull or a Voodoo Juju

2nd Place - stickydot A hat of your choice

To claim your prize contact Octo or JiB. You have 1 week to claim your prize or we give your prize to the next person on the list : )


Make a TF2 Hat or Weapon and Win an Unusual Contest!

For those of you not familiar with Newb contest’s of this nature, I’ll give you one piece of advice. It pays to participate. Octo is quite generous in his prizes, and Reserve on all servers for a year is $130 value in itself, not to mention FOR LIFE. I must say I was impressed by the quality of the entries this year. The first place prize goes to a well deserved crafter who even made the wood grain stock for a school project.. Hard to compete with I know.

1st Place - Evil Muffin (Sniper Rifle) – Trophy Belt with Purple Confetti + Reserve for life on all servers

In Progress


2nd Place – Brandon (Razorback) – Skull or Juju + Reserve for Life on all servers

Only Razorback that doubles as a boogie board

3rd Place - Impaired Scissors (various) & Smettbo (bonk helmet) – Reserves for Life on all servers

Get more chicks than a DJ with this hat on.

(we really need a bigger pic Impaired : P)

First Draw – Bullizard – Jarate – 1 Year Reserve on a server of your choice
Most Entries – Impaired Scissor
Only person who followed the rules – Smettbo (pictures with it on)
Guy with the most tf2 weapons laying around the house – king1853 – 1 Year Reserve on a server of your choice

See the entries Here!

Newb’s Caption Contest!

Something I just came up with randomly the other day (Trust me, a lot of what you see with Newb’s today came about this way ; ). After messing around with Gary’s Mod for the first time, I thought hey.. There’s gotta be a way that I can give away hats and justify wasting hours in Gary’s Mod.. Aha. And so it began, our first Newb’s Caption Contest. 1st and 2nd place get a hat of their choice from a Newb’s related backpack.


Check it out here!

Breaking News:


Announcing TF2Newb’s Trade Server!

Yeah I know.. Kind of a big deal. After a little poking and prodding at Octo I convinced him that a trade server would be a great asset to the community. I figured it’d give us a place to idle if that’s your thing, as well as a place to just goof off and demoknight for a couple hours (seriously that’s how I spent my morning..) You can also politely tell the spammers on #1 that we have a trade server if they really want to trade their Stout Shako for 2 refine. It’s currently running Trade_plaza, but I’m in search of a similar map with a boxing ring that isn’t a complete rip off of another trade servers map. Trade_plaza_epic has some potential, but we’re open to suggestions. Some features we’re currently toying with: All crits, lowering gravity a little, !bp (to check someone’s backpack), 32 slots, all talk, no spectate.. Totally open to suggestions as this is your trade server as well, so let us know what would enhance the experience.

Add it to your favorites, hang out.. This will be where a lot of little events I dream up will take place. Eventually looking to have sanctioned boxing gambling (hats or metal), last man standing tournaments, Spy crab contests.. Basically free stuff for seemingly useless gaming skills.. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyways? : )


Questions, Comments.. Concerns. Come at me bro’



March Madness

Posted on: March 20th, 2011 by The Jib

KOANS GIVE AWAY is coming soon!

Win Koans Money! $50 a day given away March 30 – April 3rd

That’s right people, it’s that time of year. Koans is another year older and he ran out places to put his money.. So he wants to fill your pockets. Koans likes to keep the games a mystery, but rest assured the details will be revealed March 30th rolls around.


Fan of War Limited Edition?

Prices on the vintage shogun items are insane.. Believe me I spent some time tracking down a set or so, and the prices ranged from random items to earbuds + bills. Of the items, the Fan of War and the Concheror are the most elusive. Those claiming to have a ‘one of a kind’ item are sadly mistaken however. Octo has found 102 so far ; P


New Server – #9 Kramer’s Killzone

Check it out, 24/7 2Fort.. Out of LA.


We are blocking and banning for using scripts to turn while Charge and Targing

This is serious bsns.. How to get banned


Best – Build Your Own TF2 Hat Contest!

Inspired by Bulll’s attempt at making a real life towering pillar of hats.. The best hat creation will receive a confetti unusual! Official Rules