Hey, new stuff!
- Halloween/Full Moon is in effect for the next seven calendar days.
- “Limited” is now an item quality, to stand for items that were once craftable or purchasable and no longer can be.
- There are five promotional Halloween/Full Moon restricted items that can be earned if you purchase the game Alien: Isolation from the Steam Store before October 7th, 2014. This one-player survival horror game is $49.99, with a $17.99 upgrade to Season Pass.
- The following new items and changes to the item drop list are thus:
- Two new crates, the Director’s Cut Reel and the Limited Late Summer Crate (#86) are added to the drop list.
- The Limited Late Summer Crate cannot yet be opened, required a yet-unreleased special key.
- The Director’s Cut Reel is like a combination of the Strongbox and the Audition Reel: It will drop one of four taunts when opened with a standard key, but you can input words to use to “roll” for different items. It drops from the same drop list of taunts as the Audition Reel.
- The Audition Reel is removed from the drop list.
- Items from the all-cosmetic Strongbox Pack, released back in February, are now craftable and buyable from the Mann Co. Store.
- The rest of the patch notes.
- The taunt for the Scorch Shot now shoots a projectile. Apparently that was a bug!
- New sounds for the Boston Basher.
1. Halloween Mode On for the Next Week
Why? Probably has something to do with the Alien-themed promotional items (see 3.).
2. “Limited” Item Quality
Items that cannot be crafted or bought in the Mann Co. Store (but had once been craftable or purchasable) are now given a new item quality prefix of “Limited” Quantity. This item quality doesn’t change the color of the item text, but the prefix is assumably added to all items to let people know that Valve seem to be making two promises: 1) More copies of a discontinued item will not be available, thus preserving the rarity (and thus the market value) of those items; and 2) Valve are helping the fanbase to easily identify items that are rare, or at least, cannot simply be bought or earned again. Hopefully Valve remembers to tag all applicable items with the prefix!

3. Alien: Isolation Promo Items for TF2!
Now you can be Amanda Ripley, looking for your mama and trying not to become alien food and/or wear new Alien-themed hats in Team Fortress 2! There are five items; three for the Scout, and two for the Pyro. The Scout items dress him up in an Alien costume:
Scout cosmetic
Scout cosmetic
Scout cosmetic
Pyro cosmetic
Pyro cosmetic
Here’s the nifty part: one of the Pyro’s two items is a reskinned flamethrower! And a Pyro wearing both of his promo items will do more damage to Scouts that are wearing a set of three-Alien-promo items! But I don’t think that the three Scout items count as a set (like the Pyro’s), nor do they have any special effect. All five items are Halloween/Full Moon restricted.
4. New Crates!
Yay! But they can’t be opened yet. Boo!
I’ll post an item list here when we can open them….
5. Full Patch Notes
Undocumented changes
[N] Obey