NFL and elite soccer leagues everywhere are horrified: a new challenger has appeared! Finally, a sport where YOU CAN KILL THE OTHER TEAM without having to join a player’s union. The patch summary:
- New game mode “PASS Time” substitutes a ball and goals to standard CTF play.
- Pass the ball to allies or throw the ball with primary fire button; steal the ball with a melee hit.
- “Gun Mettle” map Suijin updated to improve play around its central point.
- New hat, “The Finder’s Fee”, awarded to users that report major exploits and bugs to Valve.
- Bugfixes, including:
- The Loadout Screen now shows the animation of any equipped Unusual Effects.
- Demoman gained some missing voice lines when laughing.
- MvM medigun shield will recreate when switching away, then back to medigun, while medigun shield is engaged.
- Map voting now enabled with Workshop maps.
Don’t forget: “Gun Mettle” Season runs through September 30th, so you can be completing contracts while playing the new game mode.
1. Are You Ready For Some… Football? WTF?!
“Soccer? Is that you?” Actually, PASS Time is more of a capture-the-flag remake, with a single flag that spawns over a neutral point, and to be thrown into the opposing goal as the objective. And when you don’t have the ball (or “jack” as they call it), you’ll fight for it in typical TF2 fashion: destroying the enemy with your weapons. Official blog post here.
It’s a simple variation on the familiar CTF theme. All you have to learn is how to throw and pass the ball, and that’s simple: hold the primary fire button for a targeting cursor, then aim and release to chuck it. You can also pass it to allies in the same manner, and you can call out for passes as well.

Steal the ball from the enemy by killing the player and/or applying a melee hit. Stealing the ball (or being the first to recover it) will grant you a moment of invulnerability, health regeneration and a small speed boost. The game’s center of action will constantly be moving with the ballcarrier, so speed and mobility will be very important. Note that many of the recent weapon tweaks had this game mode in mind when they were launched.
PASS Time is currently in a live beta, similar to rd_asteroid
has been for the last year. Currently there is just one map, pass_warehouse
a long, narrow map with plenty of rusty trailers to jump around, air lifts shooting you into the sky, and speed boost zones. Because of the beta, expect changes to be applied to maps and gameplay alike.

One difference: you have to take the ball to the enemy’s zone to score, not your own! You’ll be closer to enemy respawns when nearer their goal than not. You’ll definitely need teammates to respond to respawning enemies and goaltending sentries. There are also few ammo and health pickups, so don’t get killed too quickly or you’ll be scored on while waiting to respawn.
Joining a PASS Time Game
There are Valve Beta servers running Warehouse now, but they may not come up in Quickplay. Search for them in your Servers menu, and bookmark a Valve server, as it will probably be 24/7 for a while.
Early Meta and Strategies
Essentially, half of the team will try to attack or chase the ball, and the other half ends up defending (probably because some players don’t want to chase all over the map). These are the roles I’m seeing so far:
Scout: Right away, a lot of players will play Scout, just for the increased movement speed and jumping ability. Grab the Atomizer and Soda Popper for extra jump, and possibly Bonk! for your secondary, but a skilled Scout player will shine in a killing role also. This game could devolve into everyone playing Scouts, until you run into a goal-camping Engineer.
Pyro: When the enemy all goes Scout, naturally you’ll want to go Pyro so you can harass them with fire. But without water or cliffs to airblast them, Pyro is a little out of his/her element. Consider a Powerjack for speed and the Reserve Shooter.
Soldier: Rocketjumping really helps you get around, and you’re needed to destroy sentries and discourage campers. Your various buffs and the Disciplinary Action are necessary, since a single attacker usually fails to score. Try to convince your Scout to help you keep up. The Rocket Jumper may even be preferable, but then you can’t carry the ball.
Demoman: Although your role is defense, you’ll usually be chasing the ball and harassing the opposing team. Your stickies are needed to remove sentries, but you’ll shine as a demoman, charging ahead of others and stealing the ball with melee.
Heavy: You’re likely to spend most of your time between your goal and midfield, killing those who would take the ball, or guarding positions that would attack your sentries.
2. Suijin: Waking Up From a Sniper’s Dream
Did you enjoy being able to take three steps out of spawn, scope up your sniper rifle of choice, and be able to cover both the enemy’s spawn and the map’s single point in the same view? Did you enjoy getting headshot every time you took a step to the left after you respawned from the last headshot? Well, koth_suijin
has changed all of that.

As you can see in my screenshot above, two decorative, apocalypse-immune Japanese blinds has been placed horizontally on each side of the central point, preventing snipers from having an unobstructed view of the point or enemy spawn from their own. However, the blinds are not tall enough to protect against well-placed sentries on the top level above the point.
Also, note the fencing in the screenshot. It has been altered to allow easier passage around the spawn-side stairs on each side. The bridge on the neutral center, however, was not given this increased access.
Moreover, health and ammo pickups have moved around. There is a convenient walkway under the blindside wall’s bridge along the cliff, with a newly placed medium health kit that scouts and spies will surely appreciate.
3. Be a Bug Killer = Earn an Exclusive Hat.

In an effort to further encourage TF2 players to be on the lookout for game-ruining, economy-crashing game exploits, a standing bounty has been named by Valve for those who forgo the urge to be a profiteering haxz0r butthead and do the right thing in the first place: the Finder’s Fee is an all-class hat given by Valve when you self-report such bugs and exploits to Valve, such as a recent hack that allowed someone to create impossible items (like MvM robot weapons) with a Name Tag and an exploit. If you do earn this hat, you’ll probably Win the Internet for that day as well, so there’s that, too.
Hey, it’s not an unusual Cheater’s Lament, but people will recognize your contribution to the game. And the TF2Newbs community no-likey cheaters.
Full Patch Notes
As usual, full patch notes taken from The Official TF2 Wiki.
Patch 1
- Added new game mode ‘PASS Time‘ to the TF2 Beta
- Fixed a crash caused by a client sending malformed network data to the server (thanks to Nathaniel Theis for this report and test case)
- Added a new hat ‘The Finder’s Fee‘
- Will be awarded going forward on a case-by-case basis to those who report major economy-breaking bugs or remote-code-execution bugs, and provide detailed information and steps to reproduce
- Well deserved congratulations to the first recipient, Nathaniel Theis
- Fixed visual bugs caused by picking up weapons with special attributes
- Fixed the Mann vs. Machine Medigun shield not being re-created after switching away from the Medigun and back while the charge is draining
- Fixed some alignment issues in the HUD meters for the Mann vs. Machine rage knockback and Medigun shield
- Fixed left-hand view models not displaying Stat Clocks correctly
- Fixed being able to use the
client command when using per-player ready status mode
- Fixed seeing a HUD
timer for maps that don’t end the round when the map timelimit runs out
- Fixed some missing VO sounds for the Demoman when laughing
- Fixed being able to use the Restore action on Killstreak Kits
- Fixed character loadout menus so they display the particle effects for all equipped Unusual items
- The Huo-Long Heater can now accept Posthumous Kills strange parts
- Updated the Australium Grenade Launcher to fix the wood material being shiny
- Updated the backpack images for the Gun Mettle Campaign Coin
- Updated LODs for several weapons and the sentry gun
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the localization files
- Updated
with the latest changes from the authors
- Added cover around the point preventing cross-point sight line
- Opened second window in point building
- Tweaked pickup amounts and positions
- Widened space between stairs to point and bridge railing to allow easier movement
- Clipping improvements
- Improved lighting in dark areas
- Fixed an issue where engineers could build on outlying islands
- Fixed an issue where engineers could trap teammates by building teleporters in spaces with restricted movement
- Fixed an issue where the spawn room doors could be held open by an opposing team member
- Optimization improvements
- Maps Workshop Beta
- Fixed a common crash when loading some compressed maps
- Fixed various issues running workshop maps on listen servers
- Listen servers no longer unnecessarily fetch a second copy of the map
- Listen servers no longer cause the client to crash upon the second load of the same workshop map
- Added
parameter for dedicated servers to control location of downloaded workshop content
- Defaults to
- Multiple servers sharing the same UGC directory is currently not supported, and will not go well
- Added server command
to view currently tracked maps and their status
- Enhanced handling of updated maps to ensure the newest available version of the map is always used on level change
- Improved handling of workshop maps in a server’s map cycle
- Workshop maps in the map cycle will be automatically fetched and updated in the background
- Workshop maps in the map cycle will have their names updated to the canonical name once known
- Map votes now work with workshop maps
- A known issue is that the full workshop map name is currently shown instead of the friendly name
- Community request: Updated the
and CanProvideLevel
API for server-side mods. These functions now always expose the full workshop names for maps when known, even if not the map is not yet installed.
Patch 2
- Updated LODs for the revolver
- PASS Time update
- Fixed a client crash related to the HUD
- Fixed the Short Circuit being used to remove the Jack from the game
- Fixed players being able to pick-up the Jack while they have weapons deployed that cannot be holstered
- Updated
- Fixed players getting into enemy spawn rooms
- Fixed the Jack being thrown into spawn rooms
- Fixed being able to build in the goals
Patch 3
Fixed a PASS Time sound bug related to carrying the Jack
[N] Obey