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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Blown Away. Hot stuff. qu0teage.

Posted on: August 9th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

I feel like switching things up a bit today. How about some screenshots.. then the daily news.

Blown Away.

H4X.. is that the govenator.

Quoted For TruthStupidity

THATS RIGHT.. i mean.. congrats to dewar on Jr Admin Status.


  • Newbs artwork
  • Internets. See how you match up
  • Close race. DO IT
  • Gggly does hollywood.. you tube
  • The forums are hot. So get in there.

    Fun times playing bball last night with the ice and nes guys on the rotation server : )
    Feel free to leave comments.. suggestions.. hate mail.. on the bl0g.


    Honorz Vote – Screenshots – Updates

    Posted on: August 6th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    Ahh yes.. Time for another hon0rz. Best Spy?

    Spy’s Sappin muh Happiness..

    You’re walkin out of your base, got your medic.. uber ready.. Just waiting to unleash some wicked crits on some noobs and BAM. BAM BAM. (err.. slash) Your medics dead, the guy next to you is dead, you turn just in time to get face stabbed. @#%$^.. Who gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling?


  • Jaxass
  • Bob Dole’s Woodlen Critters
  • [BS] Afro D
  • -Rush-
  • [HN]Carribian [nes]
  • Go Vote! Give these guys a nice crit to the face next time you see them. We owe them a couple : )
    A trip to the Balet

    screeenshoott timmme.. Seems fitting with the honorz vote and all..

    Another balet sh0t.

    keep them coming. Upload em


    Although the server and website are constatly updating I thought I’d take a moment to give Octo some props on porting the blog to match the rest of the site. Looks pretty. Wasn’t easy.


    Best Snipers. Screenies.

    Posted on: July 24th, 2008 by Newbs Staff
    VivaGabe! - 19 (31.1%) **
    Zeilo - 6 (9.8%)
    Vulcan - 1 (1.6%)
    Atue - 1 (1.6%)
    Ggglygy - 15 (24.6%) **
    Koans R Us - 9 (14.8%)
    Aristotle - 4 (6.6%)
    Headshot Hitman - 3 (4.9%)
    OSS Steven - 1 (1.6%)
    Ramis Samis - 2 (3.3%)

    You’ve got your medic, you’re ubercharged.. All seems well until one of these madmen hit you in the hat through a crack in the bridge.. Or hop down and give your medic a tasty crit machette. Madness. Best Sniper? How would I ever decide something like that. Well it’s not up to me, it’s up to you. Such an honorzable title cannot be awarded to just one player. When’s there’s roughly 50,000 users, I think we can have 2 best snipers : ) I need not explain the criteria for what a best sniper consists of, because I’m sure we’ve all experienced the wraith of these Newbs.

    Congrats to Gabe and Gggly for being awarded ‘Best Sniper’


    haha.. these are classic.

    Submitted by Grey Devil:

    Gabe Vs Aristotle:

    Took me awhile to update, due to my laptop dieing and losing my password in the process : )

    chh chh CHANGES. Screenshot of the day.

    Posted on: June 18th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    omgz. Well.. I have been, -cough- inactive for a couple days. And for that I APOLOGIZE. Working 3 jobs right now, soo.. Doing the best I can : ) Things are calming down a bit, so keep an eye out as we’re making big changes. Now for the recent news/changes.

    -Best medic award goes to Dingo! Congrats
    -New vote up: MiC SPAM!
    -Implementation of Karma on forums!

    Now for a short story about Karma, and how I came to the decision to implement it. I’ve browsed these forums, lurked as you might say during my workdays.. and have noticed that some people out there are doing some quality posting and they should get some credit. /end

    Screenshot of the DAy! Awesome screenshot here from amvalvo, apparently he ubered himself at the end of goldrush and fell into the hole and stayed alive.

    Keep them coming!


    Koan’s Money! Results are in…

    Posted on: June 2nd, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    We had a great turn out for Koan’s triumphant return to the Newbs server! 20 people competed in the contest of wits and agility. I’d like to give a shout out to all the admins (Octo, Headshot, Grey Devil, and of course Koansy) for their hard work on making this go smoothly. Unfortunately I had to work a 13 hr shift yesterday, but I was there in spirit : ). Anyways, now for the resultz:

    Gabe: 10.5
    Jack: 11.5
    Mario N’ Yoshi: 7
    Andy: 7.5
    Steven: 12.5
    Carotid Artery: 10
    Zeilo: 12
    Lee tagger: 13.5
    Dingo: 12.5
    Scott Eats Bullets: A whopping 17.5
    Atue: 13.5
    Smettbo: 11.5
    Sacreblue/Amvalvo: 9.5 points
    Golden Marmoset: 5 points
    Aurora: 14
    Ggglygy: 19 D: points
    Carribian: 11 points
    Ryu: 12.5
    Strongbad: 16
    Chode: 11
    (Tabulated by Headshot and Koans)

    What does it all mean? Well it mean’s ggly’s crazy self WON AGAIN. shit! Since the “ggly can’t win first place twice in a row’ clause is in effect he takes second : P

    1st Place: 30 steam dollars – [ICE] Scott Eats Bullets (17.5 Points)
    2nd Place: 20 steam dollars – Ggglygy [NES] (19 Points)
    3rd place: 10 steam dollars – StrongBad36 (16 Points)

    Congrats to the winners. Big Ups to Scott Eats Bullets, narrowly winning this one by a 1.5 margin. Gggly for top points : ) and a big welcome to StrongBad36, a new member of our TF2 Community.

    I havn’t been posting screenies or anything lately mostly because I wanted the competition to be the top post. Keep those screenshots coming. Either email to [email protected] or use our uploader at

    “Private Twinkle Toes” ([ICE]Scott Eats Bullets)
