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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Whats Good and Fun on the TF2 Servers? Newbs Hunts!

Posted on: September 10th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

I’m pleased to announce that the new ‘Hunts’ section of our website has launched.  You can reach it by going to Newbs TF2 Server Hunts.The way they work is simple.  You read the hunt list, find an active hunt, follow the instructions, take a screenshot of the kill/event and then submit the screenshot to the proper forum thread.  You’re reward?  A handful of ‘Noiices’ (karma), A listing on the Hunts ‘Leader Board’, and if you rank high enough a reserve slot on the servers.  In order to participate in the hunts you must be a member of our forums, in order to be a member on the forums your have to have played on the servers before.

For more information on previous/current hunts see the following two threads:,623.0.html,699.0.html

Are you talking to me? Using Face Poser to Create TF2 Machinima

Posted on: September 2nd, 2008 by Newbs Staff

Have you spent the past 10 months wishing you could make a funny short movie starring a cast of happy Team Fortress 2 Characters? Nope, me neither – Just kidding ;)   But now that I have read this spiffy new face poser tutorial by TF2 Newbs own [MLW] Maj. Cottonmouth for beginners I’m starting to get a lot of ideas on things I’d like to see done :)

Major Cottonmouth’s tutorial takes you step by step through the entire process of creating a simple short animated short that is well within all of our reach.

The tutorial consists of 49 (or is it 50?) pictures with helpful ‘click here’ style notes to make the process as easy as possible for first timers.   So if you have a little bit of time, and are able to read – check it out, create your own machinima, and drop me a line to have it showcased on our website / blog (the video section is coming very soon).

Big ups to Maj. Cottonmouth.  I can’t wait to read the next one in the series.

screendiddlez. teh h0tness. Hon0rz. RPOTD

Posted on: August 12th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

So let’s switch it up a bit. screenshots first.. uhm.. hotness second and honorz last. yeap.

gibs. ftw.

sizzlin and looking good doing it.

what the hell is hot? i’ll tell ya.

  • Schools back.. Damn
  • HAH New Scout bat.. watch the vid.
  • ————————————————————————————-

    and now for our newest addition to the newbs blog..


    honorz. whats it all about? mad skills. that’s what.

    Jaxass 10 (27.8%)
    Bob Dole’s Woodlen Critters 15 (41.7%)
    [BS] Afro D 4 (11.1%)
    -Rush- 0 (0%)
    [HN]Carribian [nes] 7 (19.4%)
    Total Voters: 36

    Congrats Bob Dole on honorz of Best Spy. If you see bobby, or any of the other nominees give them some credit for being what is known as – badass.

    Respect OCto. Scrimmy last night. Hotness. screenerz

    Posted on: August 11th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    WHOA. lotta stuff to cover here.. so i’ll get right to it
    FIRST OFF. scrimmy last night. lotta fun. I unfortunately forgot to take a screenshot of our first round which was 8v8 on granary. Had a blast with this one. 8v8 all regs.. that’s what its all about people. Wasn’t just clan guys either we even had bob dole in there : P. Ended up 1-1.. heated battles. Then we went to well. Much fun to be had there as well

    Teams were fair, someone left and i thought. Shiz.. why didnt i take a screeny of the teams.

    The final result.

    Then we went on to play badlands i believe? correct me if i’m wrong. We didnt stay there nearly as long as the others. We were on about hr 3 of our scrim and people started having to go so what do you do with uneven teams?

    Respekt OcTo. Btw octo apparently added a badass feature to the upload area that posts a link for you to easily copy and paste to the files you upload.. noiice.

    this leads into.


  • The autobalance debate.. Respekt octo postage. World peace ensues.
  • Aristotles badass way to gain respekt and karma.
  • Aristotles thoughts on karma..
  • ————————————————————————————————–
    HA screenshots last. i’m crazy like that.

    the crab spy is a rare species.. strong enough to lift medics.

    How this medic is ubered with a bone saw out.. Fate.

    upload that stuff. i’m not messin.


    screenies.. and whats h0t.

    Posted on: August 10th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

    ITs REAL.

    The Holy Octo

    Whats HOT?

  • Should Autobalance be enforced?
  • Next honorz. Nominates.
  • thats whats hot. so check it.
