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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Tf2 Pumpkin Carving and L4D2 Boycotters – A Review of last week

Posted on: October 17th, 2009 by octo dhd

Hello and welcome, its time for a update on the posts from ~10 days ago, which I’ll pretend was only a week ago.

First off the TF2Newbs 2009 TF2 Pumpkin Carving Contest is underway, I havn’t checked if we have any submissions so far, but I’m pretty confident that we’ll have a better turn out than last year (See last years TF2 pumpkin entries). We have decided via poll to allow craft pumpkins, which is good news for those of you who hate pumpkin guts, or wish to save their pumpkin to display next year. For the rest of the Rules for 2009 TF2 Pumpkin Contest check out the link just before these words. The tl;dr basic idea is that you (using a tf2 theme) cut a pumpkin or other pumpkin like thing, take a picture, enter into contest, and get a chance to win L4D2.

As far as L4D2 boycotters go it looks like the boycott movement is sliding even more. Previously when we reported on this, the numbers were at a 2% hypocrite level. This has swelled to 3.8%! As always, be sure to check out the official L4D2 Boycott Lulz Webpage that psychonic has blessed the world with. I’d also like to remind everyone to mark down tomorrow (Oct 18th) on your calendar as Master Server Day. There will be much rejoicing and booze.

And now for something different – 10 Maintenance project – Win L4D2 AND Borderlands

Posted on: October 15th, 2009 by octo dhd

Time for #10 specific contests, no mapping experience required!

Three contests, all judged by myself and only myself.

First, find a map that is not already installed on #10 that you think SHOULD be installed on #10 and put into the rotation. Best map (as chosen by me with a multitude of criteria) wins! You don’t have to have made the map.

Second, find a song (from OCRemix) that is not already on #10 that would rock on #10. Best song (as chosen by me) wins! You don’t have to have made the remix.

Third, provide me with a screenshot from #10 that makes me laugh the hardest. You DO have to have made the screenshot (or rather, have had your game make the screenshot), and old screenshots don’t count.

The prize? Grand Prize (and there is nothing but the grand prize) winner for each contest gets a copy of L4D2 AND a copy of Borderlands. Yes, PREORDERS FOR BOTH GAMES.

You have until sometime on the 23rd when I decide to finalize my judging, owing to the fact that borderlands is available a few days later.

To consolidate information:
Screenshots must be taken from the point the contest started.
Entries should be posted here or PMed to me. OCRemix ID numbers may be used, or album number with track number. Maps should be by name, or with a link to download. If I can’t find the map, I may request a link to download before considering the entry valid.
Maps already on the server include cyberpunk, harbl_hotel, dm_biosphere, ctf_convoy, ctf_aerospace, ctf_blackhole. Probably a couple others that are never switched to due to not really fitting the server.
Songs already on the server are OCRemix IDs 15, 1286, 1400, 1661, 881, 1367, and 1507.
You can enter 1 map, 2 songs, 5 screenshots.

Entries to date:

Contest 1: Map

Contest 2: Song
OCRemix ID 1893
OCRemix ID 1760

Contest 3: Screenshots

Read / post about @,4090.0.html

L4D2 Boycotters Don’t All Really Want To Boycott L4D2

Posted on: October 7th, 2009 by octo dhd

I was talking to my good internet friend psychonic today, and he was busy getting angry at the Steam Condenser PHP class / library. I helped (I think) resolve an issue or two and went on my merry way without giving much thought to what he was up to. Fast forward several hours and it all becomes clear.

It seems psychonic decided to grab a list of all the members of the L4D2 boycotters steam group which is currently the 22nd largest Steam Community Group, and then looked up each member to see if they had preordered L4D2. The results are a little surprising. It seems that more than a couple of these boycotters don’t understand that in order to effectively boycott they can’t buy the product they are boycotting, otherwise they are just posers riding the bandwagon.

For All the Details check out L4D2 Boycott Lulz. It has numbers and a picture of pacman. Oh, and it has some words to read too. Good times.

Guess whats back, back again, it has prizes that you can win…

Posted on: October 7th, 2009 by octo dhd

Halloween is fast approaching us, and that can mean only one thing. That Valve is preparing to release a new installment of Left 4 Dead. It also mean that its time for the annual Team Fortress 2 Pumpkin Carving Contest. The winner of this contest will win a preorder of Left 4 Dead 2 – (L4D2). Runner ups will get t-shirts. As always if participation exceeds our estimates we will add more prizes. Everyone is welcome to enter, you don’t even need to have played on the TF2Newbs game servers before, as long as you can carve a TF2 Pumpkin (or other gourd).

In the meantime, feel free to check out last years entries and prepare yourself for the full contest rules post which should be coming shortly.

2008 Team Fortress 2 Pumpkin Contest Results

The full contest rules for The 2009 TF2 Pumpkin Carving Contest will be on this page, its subject to change over the next day or so. But I’ll set them in stone soon enough.

The Cheaters Curse – Aka the Devil Horns of Badass. Get em while they’re hot

Posted on: September 4th, 2009 by octo dhd

I’m sure everyone reading this is fully aware of the drama that has surrounded Valves release of the Halo aka the Cheaters Lament. Well to add a little bit of fun to the mix Daimao has released a skin/model replacement which turns it into some devil horns. This model combined with our hat plugin means that anyone with access to !hatme can now wear fun happy horns (If you want to check it out yourself I recommend that in the morning you help start a server, when the client count hits 6 everyone gets hatme access for the session). Unfortunately TF2′s system for downloading particles is lame, so if you want to fully experience them you will need to download Devil Horn Particles and place the particles directory in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOURuserNAME\team fortress 2\tf\ otherwise you’ll not see the little red circle glowing particle effect.

A couple bad screenshots I took of myself can be seen below..

In other news, I’ve made a more stylish looking image to show the real time stats on how many players were idlers / not idlers that hav ecame to my server since the afternoon of September 3rd 2009.

If you’d like to use this somehow, feel free to hotlink to the image so that it continues to update where ever you put it. The link is:
<img src="" border="0">