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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

The Newbs Fundraiser has Begun!

Posted on: August 2nd, 2011 by The Jib

Newbs Stimulus Winners for July!

1st place – Darcblazer 1049 (2839) Spine Chilling Skull or Voodoo Juju!
2nd place – Scott Eats Bullets 14 (1807) Nv hat of your choice!

runners up if neither one claims within a week.
Brandon 865 (1608)
Grey Devil 10 (624)

Congrats guys.

Newbs Fundraiser!

As some of you may know, our trusty (if you’d call them that) GSP has quit supporting TF2! This affects servers #3,#4,#5,#6, and #8. We’ve had a pretty good run with them, but there has definitely been some hiccups along the way. We were truly at the mercy of strangers when it came to decisions regarding our servers. In the past we’ve had unexplainable lag or glitching, that the GSP’s never really had an answer for, and occasionally they’d just decide to change our IP addresses.. We just had to turn the other cheek, and keep paying their wild rates. SAD story, I know..

BUT TIMES ARE A CHANGIN’. One late night in Octo’s hidden lair, as he was soldering plush stickies to his motherboard – the thought struck him.. We don’t need no stinkin’ GSP.. Rather than find a mediocre replacement GSP, We’ll build our own server that we can maintain and make decisions at will with. Free Newbs from the corporate stranglehold these commies have on us! … So the idea was born, a brand new machine to be built in TF2Newbs honor to keep our servers chugging away, and the gibs flying. This way Octo can keep a close eye on the machine, make tweaks as necessary, and pay SUBSTANTIALLY less per month to run the servers! We just need to build them, and that’s how the Newbs Fundraiser was born.

What is it? You may ask.. It’s a lot like the other fundraisers you may have encountered in the past, except this one is chalked FULL of hat giveaways! If you thought Newbs Stimulus was making it rain on your TF2 noggins, hold onto your seats. I’m prepared to give away up to 30 HATS! WHAT?! CRAZY TALK. Yeah, well that’s what we do here. We give you a well groomed environment to play on, as well as some new swag to show off in the kill cams. How will it work you may ask? I’ll tell you.

This is a two stage fundraiser.

Stage 1 is building a rock solid machine that will be living on the west coast, that will be replacing the loss #3,#5,#6, and #8. Depending upon how it handles 4 to 5 servers, we may even add more (Octo builds machines like tanks). But reliability will be our first priority.

Stage 2 is building a slightly less tankish, but still respectable machine that will live on the east coast (I think Virgina has been talked about). Currently we only have one server on Ye ‘Olde East Coast slated for shutdown – Server #4 aka Octo-Land. This new machine will help expand the Newbs empire into areas unknown, and bring about a new generation of Newbs to the forefront. If we reach Stage 2, we’ll also be padding our Newbs Stimulus fund with some better hats, as well as hosting contests that have unusuals as prizes!

Our goal right now is to make it through Stage 1 as quickly as possible, because in one month we’ll be losing almost half of our servers. We want to have this new machine up and running, and ready to go before that day even comes. So far we’ve raised $1535 of our goal of $3000 for stage 1!! Koans stepped up to the plate big time, with a $500 donation!! Koans has been a loyal supporter from the get go, and is truly setting the bar high for those who are seeking the title of Newbs Elite. Haley has since stepped up and made an ‘official promise’ to MATCH Koans’ $500 donation in September. While this blog post was being reviewed by Octo another large donation came in from an Anonymouse individual. Big shout out to all the members of our community for stepping up and getting the ball rolling on our quest to be free of the man, all while cutting overhead to allow us to give away cool shiz : )


How many of you people just scrolled here? I don’t blame you, that’s a wall of text haha.. You’re one of those people who cheated at those choose your own way books aren’t you.. PRIZES. Let’s talk about them!

But wait, I first have to tell you how you enter into the contest to win the prizes .. Silly.. Every $5 you donate gets you a ticket into our insane drawing. Picture women spitting flames, midgets getting shot out of canons type drawing.. Because there will be a lot of winners, and some people will forever have their hat lives changed. You can also give in game items as your donation. Every $5 worth of items you donate will go right back into the pool for other Newbs (and potentially yourself) to win! So let’s say you donate earbuds, you get 4 tickets into the drawing.. Just as if you would have donated $20 cash, and you have the opportunity to win them back! Crazy, I know. I’ll be handling the donations, so if you aren’t able to donate cash but would like to participate in our giveaways, contact me.

(For those of you who donated to the server expenses when Octo was extra poor after his car got broke into, your donations will count towards tickets in this raffle.)

Stage 1 Unusual Announced!


Not for the faint of heart.

 Stage 2 Unusual Announced!

Serious Business

This is our tentative layout for hat giveaways:

Checkpoint 1 – $1000 Donated: 5 Hats given away.

Checkpoint 2 – $2000 Donated: 10 Hats given away.

Checkpoint 3 – $3000 Donated – STAGE 1 COMPLETE: 15 Hats given away Update: Burning Panama!

Checkpoint 4 – $4000 Donated: TBD

Checkpoint 5 – $5000 Donated – STAGE 2 COMPLETE:  UPDATE: Sunbeams Rack!

So you can see how things could really heat up. There’s a potential for 30 hats to be given away, as well as 2 Unusuals! We’re not talking confetti either here folks.. These will be hand picked by yours truly.

There’s been a lot of talk about additional prizes to be added, and I’ll update you on those as they come. But as of now these checkpoints are confirmed. One item that was in the works, but unfortunately wasn’t able to be obtained

Koan's trying to catch a Fundraiser prize. This guy just doesn't quit.

How to Donate:

Go to and you can’t miss the donate button. If you’d like to donate hats/promos or other prizes contact myself at

Forum Thread:,7025.0.html

Thanks guys, let’s take Newbs to the next level!


2Fort vs Payload – Grudge Match

Posted on: June 11th, 2011 by The Jib

In a Crips vs Bloods-esque battle, 2Fort and Payload took to the streets to represent their home turf. A number that’s been floating around is Payloads undefeated 16-0 run versus 2Fort.. 2Fort had one thing in mind tonight, to show they were not to be taken lightly, and that the last 16 losses were merely flukes.

The match was a best of 3, encompassing each sides strengths to provide the most even playing field. The first map was 2Fort. 2Fort is a map where with two identical bases separated by a brid…. Oh wait you’ve played 2Fort before? Oh who knew.. Well you probably haven’t played 2Fort like the 2Fort squad has. 8 out of 10 2Fort players had more time logged on the map than they claimed on taxes this year.. And that fact was evident by taking home the W, their first in the grudge match history. For the sake of time, 2Fort was given the victory after the first capture – because we all know Payload turtles ; )

The second map played was Badwater, which is the equivalent to 2Fort in the Payload world. Both teams played offense and defense, but Payload emerged victorious at 2-0. 2Fort had an epic last stand on the last point on defense, however Payload pulled out some old school tricks for the win. 2Fort struggled on offense, as Payload gave up little ground.

Bringing the score to 1-1, the match was brought to a tiebreaker on Granary. A sudden death scenario, where the first team to win the round would earn the title of champion, and take home the $100,000 cash prize.. (wait what?) 2Fort did their best to hold the line, but Payloads teamwork was too strong. Winning the tiebreaker forever etched their name into Newbs history as champions, bringing the lifetime score to 18-1 in their favor.

Payloads voodoo was too strong for 2Fort.

We then took part in the customary ‘Pick the other teams classes’ round, just for giggles.

All talk was left on, much fun was had by all.. It’s always a good time to see people out of their comfort zone. Ggglygy held it down for the 2Fort team with some epic spy maneuvers, but sadly it wasn’t enough.. Payload was yet again victorious.

While Payload took home the match, 2Fort earned the respect of many with a win versus their strong opponent. It goes without saying that the Payload squad is the better team when it comes to capture point and payload maps, but no one.. And I mean no one, walks into 2Forts server and caps the intel.. And that’s something to hang your hat on 2Forters.

I’d like to give a big thanks to those who participated. It can be difficult to make video game plans and follow through, as previous skirmishes have shown. However I was very pleased to see a full 12v12 even into the tiebreaker. Big shout out to Crap and Anonymouse for organizing the event. Crap more-so on the admin side of things, and Anonymouse with setting a time and getting teams organized. Very nice work – the Newbs community thanks you for your efforts.

Until next time, stay classy San Diego.


Demos (Courtesy of Crap)

February Blog

Posted on: February 14th, 2011 by The Jib

Being that it’s Valentines day I thought I’d show the blog some love. Couple updates, but really it’s about the hot chicks and upcoming prizes that you won’t want to miss.

Newbs Stimulus is still going strong!

1st Place – Terres                         (ticket 1136)
2nd Place –
ChaosNinjaSteve (ticket 1257)

Congrats to the winners! Keep the posts and quality content coming to improve your odds of getting free hats!

NewbsMas has ended!

Had a great showing this year with a lot of diverse content. Our monkeys have been tabulating votes for weeks and promise results soon!

TF2 Rift Promo:

Valve’s Team Fortress 2 is about to be invaded by Rift, the upcoming MMO from Trion Worlds. Both companies announced today that Steam customers who pre-order Rift by March 1st will receive two exclusive melee weapons in Team Fortress 2: the “Sharpened Volcano Fragment” and “Sun-on-a-stick.” Additionally, the Valve team is adding a permanent Team Fortress 2 achievement that grants players a redeemable code for an equally exclusive (and terrifying) headpiece in Rift, the “Well Spun Hat.”  (Images/Text


Hard to say what the value of these bad boys will be.. However I can say that the word ‘Genuine’ in front will be worth more than it should.. as always in Hat Fortress : )

College Mansion Competition:

Video games and hot chicks rarely coincide.. Except when you’re playing with Newbs. Haley’s friend Candice took part in a swimsuit contest known as the College Mansion Competition.. If you missed it, take a gander.

Shes on the left

Well being the good Newbs we are, we attempted to rig the voting. And apparently it ALMOST worked. Had we had a little more time and proper planning, I can assure you she would have reigned supreme.  During that process Dewar and Octo went in together on some decks of cards featuring these fine ladies. If you’re 18+, you may want to pay close attention to our next few contest give aways ; )

Future contest winners will not be disappointed

Team Fortress 2 – Now no longer just a cutting edge hat simulator

Posted on: January 24th, 2011 by octo dhd

Yup, we got socks and matching sweatbands.  If I didn’t love my octopus treasure hat so damn much, I’d complain and say that TF2 is now a full fledged FPS Doll & Accessory simulator.   But, I guess the old tall GI Joes had different clothes which increased their killing ability, so..  Yay for new items!

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Newbsmas

Posted on: December 1st, 2010 by The Jib

In our conquest to help Newbs members put away those Ghastly Gibuses, we’ve been taking from the rich and giving to the Irish all month. If you missed it, don’t worry we’re just getting started.

Our 1st Annual “Its a holiday about pumpkins” story contest was a success with prizes going to the top 3 spots. Koans dug into his bottomless pockets to make sure you got yourself a pre-order of Super Meat Boy or a copy of Poker Night at the Inventory for you and that special someone.

  • First place is Red Badger for $25 Steam bucks.
  • Second place is Major Dewar for $15 Steam bucks.
  • Third place is King for $10 Steam bucks.

We also wrapped up our 3rd Annual Team Fortress Newbs TF2 Themed Pumpkin Carving Contest. With the top 2 entries receiving more of Koans money in steam games!

  • First Place: NFreak $25 steam bucks
  • Second Place: Sharpevil $15 steam bucks

We’ve had less participation this year than in previous years on these competitions, but that doesn’t mean the prizes stop flowing. A great example of this is our Newbs Team Fortess 2 Christmas and other Winter Celebrations Contest in which contestants had to submit something holiday related. Although the competition was stiff, I still managed to win $20 steam bucks for my entry. How in the world did I win money with an entry like this? Well Octo felt since it took him a few months longer than it should have to judge it, that every contestant was a winner! He also gave out a reserved slot on ALL SERVERS for every entry.

Jib Blowin up your Xmas

Not only did I win $20 for this, but your mother has a laminated copy of this hanging on her refrigerator. Happy Hanukkah Mrs. Feuchtwanger!

Which brings us to our most recent contest: The Newbs Stimulus Plan. If you haven’t heard about this one.. Shame on you. Haha, no really.. shame on you. It’s our latest and greatest, and it’s designed to bring the hat poor’s backpacks on par with the likes of Octo and Crap (full vintage sets – oh yeah). All entries in the previous contests I have mentioned received 25 bonus points towards the Newbs Stimulus raffle. We compiled 3647 entries this month and plan to top that in December. Octo wrote the code for the lottery, so plan on this being a monthly tradition. Without further ado, this months winners:

  • 1st Place: Stax1 Voodoo Juju or Spine Chilliing Skull
  • 2nd Place: The Shark (Stout Shako)

Stax1 came in with 84 entries, and The Shark came in with 26. The Sharks entries were composed mainly of his bonus entries from another contest. What does this mean? It Pays to Participate. Literally, we here at Newbs rack our brains trying to conjure up new and exciting ways to give back to our great community, so take advantage.

Current Contests:

Newbs Stimulus December is under way and the same rules apply:

  • Each post = 1 entry
  • Great Threads / Posts (I like the cut of your Jib) = 50 entries
  • Winning or Submitting info for other contests = Bonus Entries
  • Signing up for the forums = 20 entries

We will now be awarding 30 entries for referrals to the forums. If you refer someone, have them post a topic in our [N] section with your name in their post. This only counts for new sign ups as of December 1st.


1st Place: Choice of Voodoo JuJu or a Spine-Chilling Skull!

Courtesy of http://wiki.teamfortress.comCourtesy of

2nd Place: Chieftain Challenge!

Drawing will be held January 1st, so get busy!

Newbsmas has Began!

Its that time of year again – Newbsmas.  As you all should know by now, Newbsmas is an elusive holiday, it begins and ends on different days each year.  This year it will be ending January 15th (2011).  The celebration is the same as last year.  Create a TF2 Themed wintery craft, story, item, short design, comic, whatever give it to the contest, and sit back and wait for prizes of great joy.    More details to come.  Prizes are great as always and will be announced shortly.

A more formal blog post detailing Newbsmas is on the way. Keep an eye on the updates in this thread.

Other Notables:

Think you can jump? A chance at 30 bonus entries for Newbs Stimulus! (Ends 12/3/10)

Want to win an unusual? Sharpevil of [N] is giving his away! If you’re a current [N] member it might not be too late!

Newbs Hat Lottery: 1 scrap gets you in the running for a crafted hat!

Whether steam bucks or sexy hats are your thing, remember it pays to participate this holiday season.
