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TF2 Patch Update: June 10, 2013

Posted on: June 12th, 2013 by Obey

The mini-updates just keeping coming. Here’s what’s changed:

  1. Unusuals are now tradable on the Steam Community Market, making it easier to trade your items for Steam Cash.
  2. The “Crosslinker’s Coil” hat has been added.
  3. FIXED: The bug that prevented some players that received an “Upgrade to Premium” not getting the pop-up window to thank the gifter. Retroactively applies, so those affected players will get the proper pop-up next time they log on. (Gifting an Upgrade can earn the gifter the Professor Speks all-class accessory and/or increase its Users Helped counter.)

The Crosslinker’s Coil is an all-class promo hat that is not yet tradable, paintable, or craftable, but can be renamed. You earn it in Genuine quality by purchasing “Gunpoint” on Steam. It’s a “stealth puzzle indie game” where you’re a spy that rewires traps and hazards in his surroundings to your advantage. It’s $9.99 for the basic, full-version game.


WARNING: Y’all should expect more community-made updates filled with community-made hats and other cosmetics.  Why? Because the TF2 Blog said so; apparently they’re making metric ass-loads* of cash.  You have been warned.




[N] Obey


Randomness: Gosh, it looks like everybody wants to emulate TF2….














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