We Hit Our Goal! Admins Vs. Regs Results
Posted on: August 20th, 2011 by The JibWe Hit Our Fundraising Goal!
It feels amazing. The monkey is off our backs. I know Octo was sweating a little bit, with two expensive machines sitting in his living room, not sure if we’d raise the money to actually ship them out and pay for our service to begin (you buy a year at a time). I have said this in like 4 places, but I really want to thank everyone who donated. Whether it was $5 or $500 it really means a lot to this community. Without your help Newbs wouldn’t be possible on this scale, and we only plan on growing. Our goal was $5000, and any money from here on out goes towards keeping these new machines up and running.
TONIGHT is the Newbs Fundraiser Party! Server #2 our trade server will now be switching over to the custom Trade_Casino_Newbs which was heavily tweaked by U[n]clesam (big shout out for all his work). ANY and all donators are welcome. We can only have 32 people in a server, but if more than 32 people show up we’ll put up a mirror server and pass along the chat. Join steam chat tonight to follow all the action, I’ll be giving away some hats and whatnots for those who weren’t able to donate but want to party down with us in chat tonight ( steam://friends/joinchat/103582791429672342 ) Doors for the server will OPEN at 7PST / 10PM EST and it will be first come first serve for those who have donated. BTW Octo will be checking ID’s at the door, so donators only!
Big Text for those who didn’t read all of that:
Server #2 / 8-20-11 / 7PM PST / 10PM EST – Be there
Admins Vs. Regs Results!
An epic battle took place last night. A well fought battle on both sides, but only one could stand victorious in the octagon.
Started out with a best of 3 on cp_well. This one was a back and forth battle.. I had so much fun playing this map that I’m really pulling for putting in a CP rotation server on the east coast.
The first round was very back and forth, but the second round the admins really got into a rhythm. Admins win 2-0.
Next map was pl_badwater, a favorite of mine because it’s always pretty chaotic, which bodes well for teh spy. Unfortunately for the regs the admins absolutely steamrolled through this map. Admin’s finished the map in around 4 minutes, and the regs were unable to capture the first point by the 4 minute mark.
The admins won 1-0 on Badwater. The question was then posed.. First cap on 2Fort takes it all? BAM. It was on. Let me tell you, 2Fort 13-13 with people who have all spent a good deal of time playing the map.. Not so easy. The only thing that allowed this game to not go into the 4 hour mark was the class limit on engy at 1 per team.
At the 22 minute mark, the admins managed to sneak one out onto bridge, where blueberryy then snagged it and ran it home. The admins finish out the series at 3-0. Better luck next time regs ; )
Good times. It always takes a bit of planning to get these things going, but once we actually get playing it’s definitely worth it. If anyone wants to step up and organize a match like this once a month or so, I’m all for it.